Strona główna W górę Kontakt

Nr 12, 2009

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H. Czyż,
T. Kitczak

Wpływ nawożenia mineralnego NPK na plon nasion Festulolium braunii
Effect of mineral NPK fertilization on the seed yield of Festulolium braunii

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The studies were carried out in years 2003–2007 in Agricultural Research Station Lipki near Stargard Szczeciński. The field experiment was consisted of 4-year tests, in split-plot configuration with 4 replications on 12 m2 plots. Two factors were considered: I – P + K dose (kg ha–1): 60 + 120 and 90 + 180; II – N dose (kg ha–1): 0, 60, 90, 120. The results of study on yielding of seeds of Festulolium braunii show that a dose of phosphorus and potassium on level of P-60 and K-120 kg ha–1 is enough, in turn a dose of nitrogen is necessary to upgrade to 120 kg ha–1 (increase of 176.3% in comparison to object without fertilization).

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W. Domaniecki,
P. Goliński
Wpływ normy siewnej rośliny towarzyszącej na plonowanie uprawy nasiennej odmiany Areta Festuca rubra
Effect of seed rate of companion crop on yielding of cv. Areta Festuca rubra grown for seeds
  • Abstract

    • Abstract. Field experiment were conducted in two series to investigate the effect of different seed rate of companion crop (spring barley sown at 50, 70, 90 and 110 kg ha–1) on yielding of cv. Areta Festuca rubra grown for seed in conditions of two row spacings (15 and 30 cm) in the first year of utilization. The seeds were sown in spring at rate of 490 seeds m–2. The experiment was established as a split-plot design on plots of 25 m2 in four repetitions. The following parameters were analysed: seed yields (collecting seeds with a plot combine harvester from the area of 16 m2), formation of generative shoots, yield structure, seed quality (according to ISTA). It was found that the increase of seed rate of spring barley from 50 to 110 kg ha–1 has negative influence on seed yield of red fescue in the first year of utilization.

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J. Fatyga,
L. Nadolna

Znaczenie niskoprodukcyjnych użytków zielonychw Sudetach na tle programów zalesieniowych
Significance of low-production Sudetes grasslands against background afforestation programmes  

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The study presents the area and distribution of low-production grasslands excluded from afforestation programmes that represent habitats of the highest biodiversity. Their conservation was based on the EU Regulation of 2007 and criteria specified in the act on afforestation of farmlands. As it appeared, in Poland grasslands on 3z, 1z and 2z category soil located on areas over 15% inclination fulfill the criteria. In the Sudetes the total area of this category amounts to 38 783 ha. Natural characteristics and of these areas have been prepared together with the specification of their significance and role in conservation of mountain habitats biodiversity and taking into account their agricultural use.

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B. Golińska

Badania nad siłą wiązania ziarniaków w kłoskach Lolium multiflorum
Investigations on seed retention strength in spikelets of Lolium multiflorum

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. Investigations were carried out in 2008–2009 to assess the seed retention strength in spikelets of various Lolium multiflorum genotypes depending on their growth stages. The cultivars (Turtetra and Mitos), breeding strains (SZD 1021, SZD 1022, SZD 1023, SZD 216 and SZD 228) and ecotypes were used. With the aid of a special testing machine, retention strength of successive flowers/kernels in spikelets as well as strength required to rachilla breaking of selected spikelets were determined. It was found that the examined Lolium multiflorum genotypes were characterised by specificity regarding seed retention strength in spikelets. This biological feature was smaller for top flowers/kernels and increased with the movement down the spikelet. It was found that in the examined genotypes of Italian ryegrass the seed retention strength in spikelets in the analysed consecutive growth stages was smallest in spikelets situated in the upper part of the inflorescence and the highest in the lower part.

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P. Goliński

Badania wytrzymałości na zerwanie materiału roślinnego z wykorzystaniem nowoczesnego stanowiska pomiarowego
Investigations on tensile strength of plant material using a modernmeasuring stand

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. Investigations were carried out in years 2008–2009 on plant material obtained from two cultivar testing experiments in Brody. Leaf blades were collected randomly in 30 replications at the stage of pasture maturity from each plot. Simultaneously, biometric studies were performed involving the determination of the leaf weight as well as the width of leaf blades. Tensile strength of rachilla was assessed using inflorescences of various grass genotypes of the Lolium-Festuca complex derived from experiments in Brody and in Szelejewo in the first year of their utilisation. A prototype measuring stand was used to carry out experiments on the tensile strength of leaf blades as well as rachillae of different grass genotypes. It was found that in tensile strength investigations of plant material such as the employed in these studies leaf blades and rachillae as well as seed retention strength in spikelet of various grass genotypes, it is feasible to use a modern measuring stand whose main element was a test machine operating in the range from 30 N to 300 mN on the basis of subassemblies of the HBM Company.

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B. Grygierzec

Wpływ nawożenia azotem oraz naświetlania na wielkość plonu nasion czterech gazonowych odmian Poa pratensis
The effect of nitrogen fertilization and irradiation on seed yield of four lawn cultivars of Poa pratensis

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The research aimed at determining the effect of pre-sowing stimulation of four Poa pratensis lawn cultivars with a laser diode and diversified nitrogen fertilization on seed yield. Moreover assessed were the number of plants per 1 m2, the length and width of panicles and effectiveness of seed settling in spikelets. In seed plantations of Poa pratensis, nitrogen fertilization applied in the quantity of 120 kg N ha–1 in two equal doses in early spring and in autumn, and 3 × 30 s irradiation with laser diode increased the number of generative shoots by 58–95%, effectiveness of seed settling in spikelets by 22–34% and width and length of panicles almost twice. The highest seed yields were obtained after 3 × 30 s pre-sowing irradiation of kernels combined with nitrogen fertilization dosed 120 kg N ha–1, divided into 60 and 60 kg N ha–1 for Bila and Conni and 90 and 30 kg N ha–1 for Alicja and Limousine.

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