Strona główna Kontakt

Nr 12, 2009


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M. Kasperczyk,
J. Majcher-Łoś,
P. Kacorzyk

Struktura plonu łąki górskiej
The structure of yield on mountain meadow 

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The paper is, on the one hand, the result of literature review of works written by Józef Paczoski as well as the publication whose aim was to bring the personality of the founder of phytosociology closer to university societies but also of numerous discussions and contemplations enriched with direct contacts with nature, plant associations. The principal objective of the publication is to show this scholar as the founder of phytosociology which is currently experiencing its renaissance.

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S. Kozłowski,
A. Swędrzyński

Profesor Józef Paczoski – twórca fitosocjologii
Professor Józef Paczoski – creator of phytosociology  

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The paper is, on the one hand, the result of literature review of works written by Józef Paczoski as well as the publication whose aim was to bring the personality of the founder of phytosociology closer to university societies but also of numerous discussions and contemplations enriched with direct contacts with nature, plant associations. The principal objective of the publication is to show this scholar as the founder of phytosociology which is currently experiencing its renaissance.

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S. Kozłowski,
A. Swędrzyński, T. Wyłupek,
R. Woźniak
Właściwości morfologiczne storczyków i ich występowanie w zbiorowiskach łąkowych
Morphological properties of orchids and their occurrence in meadowcommunities 
  • Abstract

    • Abstract. Problems of threats and protection of orchids are of global dimensions and are by no means confined only to Europe or Poland. In our country, problems associated with meadow orchids were first noticed almost 40 years ago. Threats to the existence of orchids in meadow communities and fears of complete loss of their taxons cause that investigations and observations are carried out whenever their presence is discovered. The object of our studies included seven orchid species discovered in three geographical regions of Poland differing with regard to the level and character of farming economy: on Wielkopolska Lowland, Lubelska Upland and Łódzka Upland. The performed investigations involved: the determination of the number of flowering individuals in meadow communities, characterisation of morphology of flowering shoots and recognition of site conditions in which the plants occurred.

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A. Kryszak

Trudności z fitosocjologiczną klasyfikacją zbiorowisk łąkowych
Difficulties with phytosociological classification of meadow communities 

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The development of meadow communities depends on mutual interactions between site and anthropogenic factors. Any change of these factors results in a disturbance of community stability, disruption of the structure and organisation of phytocenoses (as evidenced by changes in floristic composition) and disappearance of syntaxon specific characters. The above processes can hinder community determination and their classification to a phytosociological system. In addition, mistakes sometimes made both during the phase of field investigations (in the process of taking phytosociological surveys) as well as during the process of tabulation, may make proper determination of a community identity harder. The presented paper constitutes an attempt at analysing difficulties associated with the assignment to a given phytosociological system of anthropogenic communities, in particular meadow communities.

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J. Niemann,
A. Wojciecho-wski,
C. Świtoniak

Badania nad apomiksją u wybranych odmian i rodów hodowlanych Poa pratensis
Studies on apomixis in choosen cultivars and breeding strainsof Poa pratensis

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The objective of this research project were the investigations of apomixis in choosen cultivars and strains of Poa pratensis. The following three Polish cultivars: Alicja, Ani, Nandu as well as three breeding strains: PN/15/R, PN/60/R and PN/162/R were investigated by embryological methods to reveal the reproduction pathway in glasshouse and field conditions. Especially, macrosporogenesis, embryo development and seed formation were analysed. Under over mentioned conditions, also the seeds set after self – and open pollination as well as pollen grain viability were investigated. The obtained data showed that four genotypes i.e. Alicja, Ani, Nandu and PN/60/R seems to be facultative apomicts and two strains (PN/15/R and PN/162/R) have formed seeds only on the apomictic way.

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J. Pławska-Olejniczak,
A. Żywiczka

Wpływ wypasu Koników Polskich i Szkockiego Bydła Górskiego na florę naczyniową ekstensywnie użytkowanych Łąk Skoszewskich
The effect of Polish Koniks and Scottish Highland Cattle grazingon the vascular flora of extensively used Skoszewskie Meadows

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The results of research of the effect of four years extensive grazing of the Polish Koniks, Scottish Highland Cattle on the floristic changes are presented. Grazing increased the number of vascular plant species, especially on areas grazed by cattle, nevertheless it does not improved the biodiversity. On pastures for horse decrease of natural value was observed while on those utilized by cattle there were no such significant changes. Negative relationship was found between natural and utility value. In respect of changes of some ecological indicator values, on both sites the share of plant species with full light index increased. Scottish Highland Cattle effect positively on percentage of plants from aquatic and wet sites. The species that indicate a higher eutrophication degree of biotope occurred more abundantly on cattle pastures. In respect of life-forms, the species of the group of hemicryptophytes prevailed in all locations.

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A. Sabiniarz,
S. Kozłowski

Łąki Czerskie w aspekcie krajobrazowym
Landscape aspects of Czersk Meadows

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The fodder function of permanent meadows has been known and appreciated for years. Non-fodder functions, especially with reference to the sphere of ecology. Landscape function, as a domain of knowledge, is a relatively new field of science. The landscape aspect of each meadow complex, regardless of its size and physiography, is worth studying and analysing. The extensive complex of Czersk Meadows has already been well recognised as regard to its floristic composition, ecology as well as fodder and even historical values. This paper has focused on the landscape aspect of this complex.

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