Strona główna W górę Kontakt

Nr 11, 2008

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A. Bałuch-Małecka, M. Olszewska

Produkcyjność przemiennych użytków zielonych w zależności od rodzaju mieszanki i poziomu nawożenia w warunkach Pojezierza Olsztyńskiego
Productivity of temporary grasslands depending on type of mixtures and fertilization level in the Olsztyn Lakeland

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The experiment was conducted in the Olsztyn Lakeland during the years 1998–2001. The objective of the study was to determine the yield of four legume-grass mixtures. The forecrop was winter wheat. The experiment was established in a randomized complete block design, in 4 replications, on grey-brown podsolic soil of quality class IIIb. Experimental factor I were 4 legume-grass mixtures (50% legumes + 50% grasses) composed of: red clover (Trifolium pratense) + meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis), bird’s-foot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus) + orchard grass (Dactylis glomerata), white clover (Trifolium repens) + perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne), hop trefoil (Medicago lupulina) + red fescue (Festuca rubra). Experimental factor II were varied levels of mineral fertilization: 0 (control); P35 K100; N60 P35 K100; N120 P35 K100.

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R. Baryła,
M. Kulik
Ocena przydatności różnych mieszanek do podsiewu zdegradowanej runi łąkowej
Effect of different mixtures utility to overdrilling of degraded meadow sward
  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The aim of this paper was to estimate influence of different mixtures utility to overdrilling of degraded meadow sward. The studies were carried out in 2004–2007 in Sosnowica (the Wieprz-Krzna Channel region) on peat-muck soil. Investigations were carried out on meadow complex which was characterized by the high share of Poa pratensis as well as herbs and weeds. In 2004, there was applied overdrilling of degraded meadow sward with use of different simplified mixtures. Applied overdrilling were not influenced on mean yields of dry matter, but there were noted substantial changes in species composition of meadow sward.

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W. Białczyk, J. Czarnecki, K. Jamroży, K. Pieczarka

Analiza parametrów wytrzymałościowych wybranego podłoża zadarnionego o różnej intensywności użytkowania
Analysis of strength parameters of selected turf utilized with different intensity

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The paper presents results of research on strength parameters of chosen grass area and different turf wear level. Wear intensity was obtained with a number of passings of weighted roller with cleats. The investigations were conducted for 100%, 75%, 50%, 25% turf damage and 0%, which meant turf not damaged. The biggest values of penetration resistance of a cone penetrometer and compactness was observed on penetration depth of 0.06 m. The results of the study also showed comparable to linear growth of penetration resistance and specific individual pressures of a stamp along with turf wear intensity on researched (to 0.1 m) penetration depth.

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B. Borawska-Jarmułowicz

Zmiany w składzie florystycznym runi łąkowej po pięciu latach od zaprzestania nawożenia przy jednokrotnym koszeniu
The changes in floristic composition of meadow sward after desistance from fertilization for five years with one-cutting management

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The aim of this study is to estimate floristic composition of four meadow types after five years of renunciation of fertilisation and reduction of cutting frequency to once a year. The studies were carried out in Central Poland on moderately wet meadow site. As a result of different grass mixtures the four of meadow sward with the following dominated species have been established: 1 – Arrhenatherum elatius and Festuca arundinacea, 2 – Festuca arundinacea and Arrhenatherum elatius, 3 – Festuca rubra and Dactylis glomerata, 4 – Festuca rubra and Festuca arundinacea. In 2006 botanical analyses showed the changes in the floristic composition – decreasing in the total number of grass species and the increasing in share of grass species dominated in sward, especially high grasses. The yield of meadow sward decreased from 60% to 70%. The results indicated degradation of all types of meadow sward.

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G.A. Ciepiela,
J. Jankowska,
R. Kolczarek,
K. Jankowski

Wykorzystanie azotu przez ruń łąkową zastosowanego w roztworze mocznika i w saletrze amonowej
The nitrogen use by the meadow sward applied in the urea solutionand in ammonium nitrate

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The aim of led investigations was the comparison of nitrogen utilization by the meadow sward in depend on the dose of this component and the physical form of the nitrogenous fertilizer applied to the fertilization of the permanent meadow. The investigations were couried out in 1999–2001 on the permanent meadow located on the gley soil. Every year of investigations the first regrowth was fertilized with NPK in the quantity: N – 60 kg ha–1, P – 60 kg ha–1, K – 60 kg ha–1. In the experience the control combination was also applied (without mineral fertilization). The second and third regrowth was fertilized exclusively with nitrogen, applying on individual regrowths the equal doses of this component (27.6; 41.4; 55.2 kg ha–1). The nitrogen was delivered to the plants as foliar, apply respectively 20, 30 and 40% the urea solution in the volume 300 dm3 per hectare or top-dressing as ammonium nitrate in the solid form. The results obtained in the work showed that the applied in the experience the nitrogen doses hadn’t the significant influence on the agricultural and physiological efficiency. However the higher value of those coefficients was got under the influence of applying of the urea solutions in the comparison with ammonium nitrate. Utilization of the nitrogen from the fertilizer carried out average 74.8% and it was higher in the conditions of fertilization with the urea solutions than by fertilization with ammonium nitrate.

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S. Grzegorczyk, A. Gołębiewska

Wpływ dodatku babki lancetowatej na produkcyjność mieszanki Festuca pratensis z Lotus corniculatus
Effect of ribwort plantain addition on productivity of Festuca pratensis with Lotus corniculatus mixture

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. Ribwort plantain addition not effected quantity of obtained yields. Nitrogen fertilization contributed to significant yield increase, but the fact is that, even without fertilization, obtained high yields of dry matter, exceeded 10 t ha–1. Considered sward nutritive value of mixtures, ascertained, that meadow fescue accumulated most of all raw fibre and marked out high abudance of P, Zn and Mn, and birdsfoot trefoil contained most of all total protein, Mg and Cu. Ribwort plantain marked out higher ability to accumulate Na, K and Ca.

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