Strona główna Kontakt

Nr 11, 2008


Autor Tytuł artykułu

Pełny tekst

W. Zielewicz,
S. Kozłowski

Ograniczenie nawożenia a skład chemiczny sorgacukrowego
Reducing fertilisation and chemical composition of sweet sorghum

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The experiment comprised the following two experimental cultivation treatments of sweet sorghum: a/ sowing of 180 000 seeds per 1 hectare with row seed frequency of 7 cm and b/ sowing of 260 000 seeds per 1 hectare with row seed frequency of 6 cm. The spacing between rows was 70 cm in both treatments. The seeds were sown in the last decade of April using for this purpose a 4-row Monosem sowing machine equipped in sowing discs of 2–3 mm holes. The following two fertilisation combinations were applied with the above – mentioned cultivation treatments: a basic dose of: N – 160 kg, P – 80 kg and K – 170 kg ha–1 and a reduced dose of: N – 120 kg, P – 60 kg and K – 150 kg ha–1. The control plant was maize, cv. Magister (FAO 270) which was sown at the same date and at the same row distances as the experimental sweet sorghum. Maize sown in pure stand required 90 000 seeds per hectare and the applied fertilisation was identical with that employed in the case of sorghum. Therefore, it cannot be said that changes in the fertilisation lead to distinctly worse fodder quality. From the point of view of phyto-chemistry, it is possible to apply in the cultivation of sweet sorghum the following doses of fertilisers: N – 120 kg, P – 60 kg and K – 150 kg ha–1. Economic calculation should play a decisive role in the selection of the method of cultivation and fertilisation.

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R. Dembek Wartość rolnicza ekstensywnie użytkowanych łąk w dolinie Kanału Bydgoskiego (doniesienie naukowe)
Agricultural value of extensively utilized meadows in the Bydgoszcz Canal Valley (research note)
  • Abstract

    • Abstract. Studies conducted in the Bydgoszcz Canal Valley, part of the Noteć Valley covered by the Natura 2000 programme, aimed at meadows utilized according to guidelines of the agri-environment programme, variant P01b. The evaluation took into account direct factors such as the botanical composition, yielding and chemical composition of the sward as well as indirect factors, that artificially describe the fodder value of the sward, basing on utilization value numbers and particular elements of the habitat, that influence the vegetation and the agrotechnical parameters of meadows.

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A. Dradrach,
Z. Zdrojewski
Ocena produkcyjności runi łąkowejpo podsiewie mieszanką jednoroczną(doniesienie naukowe)
Assessement of productivity of meadow sward after sowing with annual mixture (research note)
  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The Spring 2006 year at Pawłowice Experimental station field experiment was conducted using undersown crop on three treatments A0 – control, A1 – with grass mixture Topmix 1 and A2 – with grass mixture in four fertilizer variant: B0 – 0, B1 – PK, B2 – 90 kg N + PK, B3 – 180 kg N + PK per hectare. Two-cut use was employed. The aim of the experiment was the assessnent of the effect of type of grass annual mixtures and varying mineral fertilization on sward productivity in climatic-soil condition of Lower Silesia region. Results show that profitable changes in botanical composition and increasing yielding of sward was observed under using of Topmix 1 and using of mineral fertilization positively affected botanical composition. The highest number of undersown grass species was noticed on treatments with rate of 90 kg ha–1NPK fertilization.

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