Strona główna Kontakt

Nr 11, 2008


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M. Olszewska,
S. Grzegorczyk,
A. Bałuch-Małecka

Wymiana gazowa i indeks zieloności liści Trifolium repens uprawianej w mieszankach z Festulolium braunii i Lolium perenne w zależności od zróżnicowanego nawożenia azotem
Gas exchange and leaf greenness in Trifolium repens grown in mixtures with Festulolium braunii and Lolium perenne depending on different nitrogen rates

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. A field experiment was conducted over 2004–2006. An exact field experiment was established in a randomized split-plot design, in four replications, at the Experimental Station in Tomaszkowo, province Warmia and Mazury. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of accompanying species and nitrogen fertilization on the rate of photosynthesis and transpiration, water use efficiency and leaf greenness values of white clover grown in mixtures with Festulolium and perennial ryegrass. The experimental material comprised white clover cv. Rawo grown in mixtures (50% seeding rate) with Festulolium cv. Sulino and perennial ryegrass cv. Solen. The investigated parameters were compared under conditions of varied nitrogen fertilization: non-fertilized treatments, treatments fertilized at a rate of 60 kg and 120 kg ha–1 N.

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A. Radkowski,
B. Barabasz-Krasny
Ugrupowania nitrofitów na powierzchni utylizacji siana w Stacji Hodowli Roślin Skrzeszowice
Groupings of the nitrophilic plants in the hay utilization areas at the Plant Breeding Station in Skrzeszowice
  • Abstract

    • Abstract. On the basis of registrations, which involved 32 experimental fields of the hay storage area at the Plant Breeding Station in Skrzeszowice, five groups of nitrophilic plants were divided. These groupings as regards phytosociological factors are linked to Galinsogo-Setarietum association (Stellarietea mediae class) or known from literature Urtica dioica and Chenopodium album (Artemisietea class) communities. There are no significant differences between them in species composition but there are significant differences as regards dominants.

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A. Radkowski,
B. Barabasz-Krasny
Zbiorowiska roślinne odłogowanych pastwisk gromadzkich na Pogórzu Bocheńskim
Plants communities on barren community pastures in Bochenskie Foothills
  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The composition of plant communities on the barren pastures near Rudy Rysie in Bochenskie Foothills (Southern Poland) was examined. The presence of four plant communities was recorded: two of non-utilized postpasture phytocenosis type and two remaining after dried-out ponds with no significant importance in pasture administration of that region. 

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M. Rogalski,
A. Wieczorek,
M. Szenejko,
A. Kamińska,
E. Miłek

Możliwości wykorzystania ekstensywnie użytkowanych łąk nadmorskich do celów energetycznych
Possibilities for utilisation of extensively used coastal meadows for energy purposes

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The results of studies on the energy value of selected native plants, mainly grass species that occur in natural, extensively used communities of coastal meadows are presented. An attempt was taken up to evaluate the energy value of selected species that prevail in plant communities covering neglected large-area meadows situated by the Szczecin Lagoon, e.i. (Phragmitetum australis, Phalaridetum arundinaceae) and large-sedge reedbeds (Caricetum acutiformis, Caricetum gracilis, Caricetum ripariae), molinion meadows (Molinietum coeruleae), pastures with the common rush (Epilobio-Juncetum effusi), and tufted hair grass (Deschampsietum caespitosae) and common velvet grass meadows (Holcetum lanati). The caloric value as well as crude ash content, fibre neutral and acid fractions and lignin and cellulose contents were determined. From among the examined species, the common reed proved to be particularly useful for production of bio-fuels. This species, as well as the wood small-reed, is also suitable for use as combustible material, since the caloric value of these grasses is similar to hard coal.

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B. Stańko-Bródkowa

Znaczenie banku nasion w glebie i rozprzestrzeniania nasion w kształtowaniu i regeneracji wielogatunkowych zbiorowisk łąkowych
The role of the soil seed bank and seed dispersal for formationand restoration of species-rich grassland communities

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The role of soil seed bank for formation of species composition of grassland communities has been presented in this study. The different environmental conditions and ecological processes in persistence, semi-natural plant communities, partly degraded grasslands and also during secondary succession from grassland to forest have been taken into the consideration. The special attention has been paid on the possibility of restoration former species-rich meadows communities from soil seed bank. This paper has been prepared on the basis of research results published by many authors.

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M. Szenejko,
W. Majtkowski

Zmienność cech biologicznych wybranych form Poa pratensis przydatnych do hodowli odmian gazonowych
Variability of biological traits of selected forms of Poa pratensis useful for lawn cultivars breeding

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. In 2005–2006, a research work were carried out in the IPBA Botanical Garden in Bydgoszcz and the Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection of the University of Szczecin referring to evaluation of the variability of selected biological traits of Poa pratensis L. It covered 18 forms of the smooth meadow-grass including 2 breeding varieties (‘Skrzeszowicka’ = ‘Sk 46’ and ‘Alicja’) and 16 ecotypes coming from the Lower Silesian Province. Within the examined population, a large variability of traits was found, in particular with respect to flag leaf blade length, thousand seed mass and inflorescence length. The majority of the examined objects proved to be early forms, with the variability for that trait ranging from 32.3 days for DOS01 405 ecotype to 46.3 days for DOS01 229 and DOS01 468 ecotypes. Among the ecotypes, the forms occurred with higher trait values in relation to standard varieties, in particular to the turf variety ‘Alicja’. One of them, i.e. DOS01 468, obtained more favourable values with respect to mean plant height and leaf width when compared to the standard. Clear negative correlation was demonstrated between the height of plants and their early development.

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T. Wyłupek

Łąki kłosówkowe w dolinie Poru
Holcus meadows in Por river valley

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. Geo-botanical studies performed in Por river valley revealed that Holcetum lanati – Yorkshire fog association – covered about 10% of the total meadow area. Holcus meadows on studied area were usually two times cut by their owners – individual farmers. They occurred on mineral and organic soils with neutral or slightly acidic reaction. The presence of 88 of vessel plants and bryophytes was found; mean number of species at a single record was 29.1 taxons. The holcus meadows provided with low–quality hay (LWU from 3.5 to 5.5), while yield of the 1st cut hay ranged from 1.1 to 2.9 t ha–1.

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