Strona główna W górę Kontakt

Nr 19, 2016

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J. Alberski,
J. Pawluczuk,
M. Olszewska,
A. Bałuch-Małecka

Zmiany w liczebności gatunków roślin w runi kompleksu Łąk Warkalsko-Trojańskich a właściwości gleb organicznych

Changes in the numbers of plant species in the meadow sward in terms of properties of organic soils

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The objective of this study, conducted in 2009–2014, was to describe the species composition of meadow communities and to determine changes in grassland vegetation after five years of extensive use for agricultural purposes. The meadows analyzed in the study are located on a former peatland of lacustrine origin, which covers an area of 746 ha and features alluvial-muck soils, muck-peat soils and muck soils developed from low-moor peat. In the research site, grasslands are used extensively and are usually mown once a year. In 2009 and after five years of extensive use, data were collected in the same 48 relevés, according to the Braun-Blanquet method. In 2009 and 2014 year 12 soil samples were collected at a depth of 5–15 cm to determine selected physical and chemical properties of soil. Analysis based on phytosociological data, performed after five years of extensive use, revealed adverse changes in the species composition of grasslands.

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A. Bałuch-Małecka,
M. Olszewska,
J. Alberski,
M.A. Fenyk

Wzrost i rozwój Spartina pectinata w warunkach klimatycznych Pojezierza Olsztyńskiego

The growth and development of Spartina pectinata under the climatic conditions of the Olsztyn Lakeland

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. A field experiment was conducted in spring of 2007 in the Agricultural Experiment Station in Bałdy, owned by the University of Warmia and Mazury (NE Poland). The experiment had a completely randomized design with four replications. Plot size was 20 m2. Forty seedlings of prairie cordgrass (Spartina pectinata Link.) were grown per plot, at the density of 2 plant per m2 respectively. The experiment was established on mineral soil (sandy silt) of quality class IVa. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of climatic conditions in the Olsztyn Lakeland on the growth and development of introduced species of C4 grasses. 

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B. Borawska-Jarmułowicz,
G. Mastalerczuk,
M. Janicka

Ocena cech biologicznych oraz plonowania wybranych odmian Dactylis glomerata, Festuca pratensis i Phleum pratense w siewach czystych i mieszankach

Evaluation of biological characteristics and yield of selected varieties of Dactylis glomerata, Festuca pratensis and Phleum pratense in pure stands and mixtures

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The aim of this study was to estimate yielding of varieties of some tall grass species in pure stands and two meadow mixtures differentiated in earliness. Three cuts were made. The first one was made in full of heading phase, in pure stands – of individual varieties and in mixtures – of varieties dominated in sward. Cover, growth rate of sward height, contribution of generative shoots, their number and mass in the first cut, annual DM yield and R/S ratio (root/shoot) was evaluated. In pure stands the yield varied most among varieties of F. pratensis and Phl. pratense but least – with D. glomerata. The results show that yield of the early mixture was better irrespective of re-growth. In early mixture dominated D. glomerata var. Amera while F. pratensis var. Pasja in mid-early mixture.

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P. Brągiel,
Cz. Trąba,
K. Rogut,
P. wolański

Zróżnicowanie łąk zespołu Arrhenatheretum elatioris objętych programem rolnośrodowiskowym na Pogórzu Bukowskim  

Differentiation of meadows belonging to Arrhenatheretum elatioris association included in the environmental management scheme in the area of Bukowskie Foothills

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. Nature and utility characteristics of meadows representing the Arrhenatheretum elatioris association in the area of Bukowskie Foothills, southern Poland (Patria mountain peak) was conducted. The area has been included in the environmental management scheme. The base material were phytosociological relevés taken with the Braun-Blanquet method, laboratory analyses of soil, as well as individual climatic and edaphic factors which were estimated with Ellenberg phytoindication method. The Arrhenatheretum elatioris association was distinguished with its two variants and five sub-variants. 

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H. Czyż,
T. Kitczak,
M. Szuleta

Charakterystyka słonaw na obszarach przymorskich na przykładzie Wyspy Chrząszczewskiej

Characteristics of halophytes in littoral areas on the example of Chrząszczewska Island

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. When conducting studies on the salt pans of Chrząszczewska Island, the following floristic types were found: Juncus gerardi with Eleocharis palustris, Eleocharis palustris with Agrostis stolonifera, Juncus gerardi, Agrostis stolonifera. The general range of occurrence of halophytes was marked by Juncus gerardi, other species of halophytes were the following: Aster tripolium, Bolboschoenus maritimus, Glaux martima, Plantago maritima, Puccinellia distans, Spergularia salina, Trifolium fragiferum, Triglochin maritimum, Triglochin palustris. Plant communities with the participation of halophytes were characterised by natural values – from moderately high to unique with high utilitarian value – from poor to mediocre. The biomass of the analysed halophytes was characterised by low content of protein, macro- and microelements with reference to values recommended for good fodder.

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J. Daszkiewicz


Metody badań nad wykorzystaniem zasobów środowiskowych przez zwierzęta i ich zastosowanie w łąkarstwie

The research methods in environmental resources use by animals and their application in grassland sciences

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. Aims of this review study was an analysis of methods of environmental resources utilization by animals and synthesis of this methods applications examples in grassland sciences. Studies about animal-habitat evolved from percentage description of habitat resources utilization to selectivity indices and linear models. Except resources availability and utilization, this analyses allows to conclude about animal’s selectivity and preference, and they could be used as a tool in studies about grassland management and environmental protection. Also, this studies can exploit number of research entities and subjects. This causes, that analyses of animal’s resources utilization can be applied in grassland sciences.

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B. Golińska,
M. Czerwiński,
P. Goliński

Produkcyjność użytków zielonych w Wielkopolsce w aspekcie zmian warunków pogodowych w ostatnim 30-leciu  

Productivity of grasslands in Wielkopolska in terms of weather conditions changes in the last 30 years  

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. In this paper the analysis of the effects of climatic changes on the productivity of permanent grasslands in Wielkopolska province in the last 30 years was performed. The weather data was obtained from the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management, and grassland productivity data, that referred to the yield of meadow hay, was sourced from the publications by the Central Statistical Office. Climatic trends in 1985–2014 were determined using the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI). Linear regression was used for the analysis of the effect of climatic trends on grassland productivity in Wielkopolska. Statistically significant rise of mean yearly air temperature and mean reference evapotranspiration was evidenced for the whole area of Wielkopolska except for its northern part. The significant SPEI trends indicate that soil moisture conditions in January, February and May were improving, whereas in April, November and December were deteriorating. No significant effect of the SPEI trends on grassland productivity in Wielkopolska was found. 

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M. Grzelak,
S. Janyszek,
M. Murawski,
A. Knioła

Różnorodność florystyczna i walory przyrodnicze eutroficznego śródpolnego oczka wodnego

The floristic diversity and natural values of a eutrophic midfield waterhole

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The research of midfield waterhole (N:52°57’06” E:17°17’80”) with an area of 1.7 hectares, was conducted in 2011 and 2012. It’s no outlet cavity, naturally and valuable natural recycle field, adjacent fields, on the border of Gołańcz city, near the Tomczyce village. It’s also a unique eutrophic habitat, which measure the water reservoir is dominated by pleuston vegetation, with a low proportion of nymfeids, with floating leaves, submerged and emergent plant zone. There is a complex of Salicetum pentandro-cinereae scrubs and woodlots with rich nitrophilous groundcover around the waterhole.

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M. Janicka,
B. Borawska-Jarmułowicz,
G. Mastalerczuk

Kształtowanie się biomasy oraz plonowanie wybranych odmian traw niskich w siewie czystym i w mieszankach

Biomass formation and yielding of selected cultivars of the low grasses in pure stand and in the mixtures

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The aim of the study was estimation of some morphological and biological features and yielding of seven grass cultivars sown for fodder production on grassland. The objects of the study were cultivars of three low-growing grass species: Lolium perenne, Poa pratensis i Festuca rubra. The cultivars were evaluated in the next four years of utilization. Tillers density, growth rate of sward, earliness, yielding and yield structure of the first regrowth in pure stands and in two mixtures were evaluated. In the sowing year and in the third year of full utilization the underground biomass in the topsoil was also determined. The L. perenne cultivars were ranked, in terms of their earliness, in the following order: Naki (early), Diament and Gagat (mid-early), Bajka (late). It was found that L. perenne cv. Bajka was characterised by a greater tolerance to changing weather conditions (drought and frost) compared to other cultivars of that species. Among P. pratensis cvs., Eska-46 revealed more favorable features.

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P. Kacorzyk,
M. Kasperczyk

Struktura plonu biomasy wybranych traw na wałach przeciwpowodziowych

The structure of the crop biomass of selected grass from river dikes

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. Currently, farmers are little interested to possibility of obtaining forage from river dikes. Therefore, expectations about the such as growing vegetation was changed. According to this situation vegetation growing on the river dikes should: create a small biomass above-ground, have deep root system, well-developed horizontally and well ground coverage. In order to evaluation of usefulness of the most common grass on the river dikes to keep them in a good shape, evaluated the size of the regenerative stem in relation to the biological yield. From the assessed grass species Festuca rubra was to the best to ground coverage of river dikes. This grass created a small yield, dense turf and an extensive root system. 

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