Strona główna Kontakt

Nr 19, 2016


Autor Tytuł artykułu

Pełny tekst

A. Klarzyńska,
Ł. Maćkowiak,
A. Kryszak,
J. Kryszak

Zastosowanie metody fitosocjologicznej w wieloaspektowej waloryzacji terenu oraz jej wizualizacja technologią GIS

Implementation of a phytosociological method in a multi-aspect valorisation of an area with the visualization of the results with GIS technology

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The paper presents possibilities of the implementation of a classic method of phytosociological relevés in the elaboration of a multi-aspect valorisation of an area, and emphasizes the validity of the implementation of GIS technology as a means for presentation of the results if these assessments. The analysis of phytosociological results allows for the evaluation of current state and diversity of flora in a given area; furthermore, it allows for the determination of changes occurring in the whole ecosystems through the determination of changeability of habitat conditions and, on that basis, the assessment of area’s suitability for different purposes such as nature’s protection, as well as the possibilities of farm and tourist utilization of the area. Whereas, GIS technologies facilitate an analysis of the research material and allow for the visualization of the results, owing to which, the process of drawing conclusions and making forecasts of changes taking place in ecosystems is easier.

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M. Kopacz,
S. Twardy

Wpływ użytkowania pastwisk górskich na stan jakościowy wód powierzchniowych

Effect of utilization of mountain pastures on of surface water quality status

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The aim of the study was to evaluate of surface water quality on the background of changes in the permanent grassland use and stocking rate. The study was conducted in two Carpathian basins – the upper Dunajec in Kroscienko and the upper Raba in Dobczyce. The structure of grassland and stocking rate data was collected. The value of load of nitrogen and phosphorus was estimated. The surface water quality measured from its own monitoring carried out in several hydrometric sections, and also from data WIOŚ Krakow. We noticed an improvement of surface water quality in terms of concentration of the most important nutrient. In the upper Dunajec catchment average concentration of ammonia nitrogen decreased since the 80s from 0.4–0.6 to about 0.1 mg dm–3, while nitrate nitrogen – from 1.5–2.0 to 0.5–1.0 mg dm–3. Phosphate ions decreased by an average of 25%. 

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K. Kulik-Knapik,
W. Bąba,
A. Kompała-Bąba

Trawy w zbiorowiskach siedlisk ruderalnych Wyżyny Śląskiej

Grasses in the communities of ruderal habitats occurring in the Silesian Uplands

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The aim of the studies, which were conducted in ruderal habitats of the Silesian Uplands was: to show the share of grasses in the floristic composition and structure of the distinguished vegetation units and the influence of some grasses on the diversity of ruderal vegetation. 2227 phytosociological relevés were made in the field in order to show the diversity of vegetation of ruderal habitats. For each grass species its percentage frequency in a given vegetation unit was calculated. 54 mostly native grass species were found in the 26 recorded plant communities. Calamagrostis epigejos, Elymus repens, Poa compressa, Lolium perenne, Arrhenatherum elatius, Dactylis glomerata, Festuca rubra, Poa pratensis and P. palustris occurred the most frequently (in more than 450 phytosociological relevés, and at least in 23 plant communities). Most grasses did not create their own communities but they were frequent components of the communities of ruderal habitats. From 6 (Festuca ovina-Silene vulgaris community, Chamaenerion palustre community) to 17 (Tussilago farfara community, Potentilletum anserinae community) grass species occurred with frequency more than 10% in examined vegetation units. The increase in abundance of some grass species (e.g. Calamagrostis epigejos) had influence on species diversity of patches measured by Shannon-Wiener diversity index, evenness, species richness, and number and abundance of species character to some classes.

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G. Mastalerczuk,
B. Borawska-Jarmułowicz,
M. Janicka

Zmienność cech wartości użytkowej wybranych gatunków i odmian traw stosowanych na trawniki rekreacyjne  

Variability of utility value of selected species and varieties of grasses applied for recreational lawns

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The aim of the study was to determine the variability of traits of lawn varieties of grasses applied for recreational lawns. The objects of the research were lawn varieties of Kentucky bluegrass, red fescue and perennial ryegrass. Aesthetic aspect, cover, leaf fineness and colour, roots density, regrowth intensity and synthetic evaluation index of studied varieties were evaluated. Perennial ryegrass distinguished by better general aspect and cover than other varieties. The best of leaf fineness with dark green colour had red fescue, whereas Kentucky bluegrass varieties were characterised by the slow rate of regrowth.

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A. Paszkowski,
B. Golińska,
P. Goliński

Zioła łąkowe jako składnik mieszanek na użytki zielone w świetle badawczym i aplikacyjnym

Meadow herbs as a component of mixtures for grassland in the light of research and application

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The aim of this paper was to gather information about the herb species that are used in composition of seed mixtures for establishment or renovation of multi-species sward, particularly pastures. Multi-species pastures can be an alternative for traditional simplified mixtures composed by grasses or grasses with few legumes that are typical for European grasslands, but can have some disadvantages in unfavorable environment and habitat conditions. The study contains an analysis of actual lists of varieties eligible for seed certification and plant breeding company offers. Furthermore study contains an overview of the foreign and domestic literature on the use of multi-species swards in forage production.

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K. Ryś,
K. Radecka,
A. Kompała-Bąba

Zbiorowiska z dominującym udziałem traw występujące na nieużytkach powstałych w wyniku przerobu rud cynkowo-ołowiowych

The plant communities dominated by grasses recorded on wastelands connected with processing of lead and zinc ores

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. Studies aimed to show the diversity of vegetation of flotation settlings with dominance of grasses, as well as to show habitat preferences of species. The floristic composition of those communities is mostly based on a dominance of one species such as Arrhenatherum elatius, Agrostis capillaris, Molinia caerulea, Festuca arundinacea, F. rubra, Calamagrostis epigejos, Deschampsia caespitosa, Solidago gigantea, Melilotus alba. From 3 to 13 grass species occurred in recorded plant communities. Their share in coverage of vegetation reached from 11% to 90%. The more species diverse were communities dominated by such grasses: Festuca arundinacea (H = 2,03), Deschampsia caespitosa (H = 2,07), Arrhenatherum elatius, Festuca rubra (H = 2,01) and the low diverse with higher share of Phragmites australis (H = 0,83). 

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P. Stypiński

Trawy w życiu człowieka  

Grasses in human live  

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The goal of this work was to determinate importance of grass species in different aspect of human live. This article has been prepared on the base wide literature review and showed the many opportunities of grasses as a source of food for human being, forages for domestic and wild animals, bioenergy production. Grass species are also important in human and veterinary medicine, could be used in wastes and sewage cleaning, environmental conservation, landscape planning and management, tourist and recreation men activity and very often they are inspiration and important part of human culture. 

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S. Twardy,
M. Kopacz

Analiza zmienności runi pastwisk małopienińskich w wyniku wieloletniego użytkowania

Analysis of sward variability of pasture in Little Pieniny region as a result of multiyear utilization

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The elaboration focuses on floristic transformations on abandoned and self-sodding arable lands. This process created sward, initially with a large participation of synanthropic dicot plants, was transformed under the land use. Changes in floristic composition were mainly caused by animals, especially grazing in “non-stop” system (non-shed system), yet treatments including removing weeds as well as mineral and organic fertilization were also favourable. Floristic composition of the sward was diversified by other orographic factors, especially elevation above sea level and slope exposure. Presented results of the research are focused on the area of Grajcarek stream basin, in which the valley is the border between Małe Pieniny and Pasmo Radziejowej in Beskid Sądecki. This publication included synthesis of results from 1960–2015. It concerns floristic and spatial changes including mainly transformations occurring within sward cover. Variability of floristic composition of the plant cover is shown in tables and diagrams from selected years at three altitude zones (1. <680 m 2. 680–800 m 3. >800 m above sea level) and two opposite slope exposure (N–S). The occurring changes were also specified in form of numbers with application of classification of utility value of the sward (Lwu) by Filipek (1973). Analysis showed that despite diversified intensity of the land use and reduced treatment, especially fertilization, the quality status of the sward was gradually improved. During the mentioned period of time larger participation of high-valuable Poaceae species was registered while dicot plants were found in smaller amount. As the result, the general utility value of grass biomass was increased. In addition, larger and more beneficial diversity was found on slopes N than slopes S.

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J. Zarzycki,
E. Zając

Trawy w zbiorowiskach roślinnych na zrekultywowanych osadnikach posodowych byłych Krakowskich Zakładów Sodowych Solvay  

Grasses in vegetation of reclaimed soda waste dumps of former Kraków Solvay Soda Plants

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The aim of the study was to analyse the occurrence of grass species on the reclaimed soda waste dumps of former KZS Solvay in Kraków. They were reclaimed with a topsoil in 1995 and left without further treatment. A total of 132 plots were selected using the systematic method to determine some physical and chemical parameters of topsoil mineral material and assesse plant composition. Altogether 17 grass species was recorded. The most frequent and with the highest coverage coefficient were ruderal species: wood small-reed (Calamagrostis epigejos) and quack grass (Elymus repens). In order to reduce their occurrence and promote meadow species mowing and removal of biomass would be needed.

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