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Nr 20, 2017

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A. Bałuch-Małecka,
M. Olszewska,
J. Alberski

Plonowanie i wartość energetyczna wybranych gatunków traw wysokich 

Yielding and energy value in selected species of tall grasses

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The experiment was conducted in the year 2007–2010 in the Agricultural Experiment Station in Bałdy owned by the University of Warmia and Mazury (NE Poland). The experiment was established in a randomized complete block design, in 4 replications on grey-brown podsolic soil of quality class IVa. Plough layer described as medium abundance of available potassium and magnesium and low availability of phosphorus with neutral soil reactivity (pHKCl – 7.2). The first examined factor was three species of tall grass, seeded in rows as a pure species on 30th of August 2007: Dactylis glomerata L. variety Bepro, Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) P.B. variety Median and Bromus inermis Leyss. variety Lufa. The second factor was the level of nitrogen fertilization. Since 2008 of fertilisers ware used: N0 P35 K100 kg ha–1; N60 P35 K100 kg ha–1; N120 P35 K100 kg ha–1; N180 P35 K100 kg ha–1. In the years 2008–2009 one production harvest was collected (respectively: 21st and 20th of August), and in 2010 two yields were harvested (on 21st July and 4th October). The yield of dry matter of grass, heat of combustion, calorific value, ash, carbon and sulfur content had been determined. The purpose of the experiment was to determine the yield and energy value of tall grass biomass according to variant doses of nitrogen fertilization.

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P. Goliński,
B. Golińska,
M. Walerowska

Ocena potencjału nasiennego wybranych odmian hodowlanych Poa pratensis. Część I. Struktura plonu nasion

Evaluation of seed potential of selected cultivars of Poa pratensis. Part I. Structure of seed yield

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. Field experiment was conducted in 2002–2005 in Brody Experimental Station of Department of Grassland and Natural Landscape Sciences of Poznań University of Life Sciences to investigate the seed potential of selected 13 cultivars of Poa pratensis in regard to seed yield structure. The one-factorial experiment was established in two repetitions. The following parameters were analysed: density and height of generative shoots, structure of inflorescences and spikelets as well as efficiency of seed set. It was concluded that cultivars of Poa pratensis differ significantly in morphological-biological features determining biological seed yield. Law cultivars develop significantly more generative shoots per 1 m2 and less spikelets per inflorescence than fodder ones.  

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P. Goliński,
B. Golińska,
M. Walerowska 

Ocena potencjału nasiennego wybranych odmian hodowlanych Poa pratensis. Część II. Plon i jakość nasion

Evaluation of seed potential of selected cultivars of Poa pratensis. Part II. Yield and quality of seeds 

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. Field experiment was conducted in 2002–2005 in Brody Experimental Station of Department of Grassland and Natural Landscape Sciences of Poznań University of Life Sciences to investigate the seed potential of selected 13 cultivars of Poa pratensis in regard to harvested seed yield and seeds quality. The one-factorial experiment was established in two repetitions. The following parameters were analysed: harvested seed yield, thousand seed weight, germination energy and capacity of seeds. It was concluded that differentiation of Poa pratensis cultivars in harvested seed yield is higher along with the successive years of their utilization. The cultivars of Poa pratensis are characterized by specificity of seed yield in terms of quantity and distribution in the years of growing for seeds. The fodder cultivars develop higher seed yield in first and second while the lawn cultivars – in the third year of utilization. 

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M. Janicka,
M. Janicka-Turyk

Kwitnienie wybranych gatunków roślin muraw kserotermicznych w rezerwacie florystycznym „Winnica”   

Flowering of selected plant species of xerothermic grasslands in the „Winnica” Flora Reserve

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The aim of the study was to determine the date of initiation of flowering and the duration of flowering for focal species and to compare our data with that presented in the botanical key „Polish Plants” (Szafer et al., 1967). The studies were conducted in the „Winnica” Flora Reserve which is situated in the Landscape Park „Warta and Widawka” (Łódź voivodeship). The weather conditions significantly affected the course of the flowering phase. For most of studied species, the drought delayed the moment of occurrence of flowering and caused the shortening of duration of this phase. Both an earlier start of the flowering phase (Melampyrum arvense, Centaurea stoebe, Aster amellus), and delay in start (Euphorbia cyparissias, Galium verum, Stachys recta, Anthemis tinctoria, Medicago falcata, Agrimonia eupatoria, Brachypodium pinnatum) were observed in comparison with the dates published by Szafer et al. (1967). 

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M. Janicka,
B. Pawluśkiewicz

Zróżnicowanie florystyczne i wartość użytkowa zbiorowisk trawiastych na terenie zabytkowego Ogrodu Sentymentalno – Romantycznego w Arkadii

Floristic diversity and fodder value of grass communities within the historic Sentimental and Romantic Park in Arkadia 

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The aim of the study was to analyze the floristic composition of the grass communities in the historic Garden in Arcadia and evaluation of their fodder value. The objects of the research were plant communities in part of the Garden where restoration of extensive sheep grazing is planned. Natural values (number of species, total and in patch, Shannon-Wiener’s floristic diversity index), and production value (yielding, fodder value) were evaluated. It was found that the current state of grass communities does not meet the required parameters of sward and it is necessary to introduce color-flowering herbaceous species, previously existing in this area.

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M. Kopacz


Skutki zmian w zakresie wykorzystania trwałych użytków zielonych w obszarach karpackich

The effects of changes in the use of permanent grassland in the Carpathian areas  

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The study aimed to identify and parameterize environmental effects that occur as a result of changes in permanent grassland in mountain areas. In the years 1980–1999, the area of grassland was only a little variable and fluctuated within 10% in the upper Raba River basin and 20% in the upper Dunajec River basin, as regard to their total areas. This, however, was mainly due to the extensification of agricultural production and the self-sodding of arable fields. The highest water pollution was recorded in the vicinity of dense built-up areas. In contrast, where the share of grassland area was significant, pollution of surface water was reduced. At present, grassland in the mountains fulfill primarily ecological, aesthetic-recreational and health functions, and then economic (agricultural or non-agricultural) role.

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H. Lipińska,
K. Kurzepa,
S. Kościk

Niewykorzystywane gospodarczo trwałe użytki zielone w powiecie chełmskim jako potencjał do produkcji biomasy na cele energetyczne  

Economically unexploited permanent grassland in Chełm County as a potential source of biomass production for energy generation  

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. Studies were conducted in 2012–2016 in Chełm County to determine the energy potential of biomass from economically unexploited permanent grassland. Its energetic value was estimated from data published by the Central Statistical Office of Poland (GUS) and the average calorific values of biomass from the plant communities. It was concluded that this lies in the range of 16.82 – 16.94 MJ kg–1 DM and is comparable to the calorific value of exotic grass varieties used for energy purposes, and as such could constitute a significant proportion of Chełm County’s energy balance. Dedicating economically unexploited biomass to energy purposes may also avoid the natural succession of grass communities and avoid them being degraded by discontinued use.

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D. Sienkiewicz-Paderewska,
S. Narewska,
D. Narewski,
T. Olszewski,
J. Paderewski

Różnorodność florystyczna i wartość rolnicza półnaturalnych zbiorowisk trawiastych występujących w Dolinie Dolnego Bugu

Floristic diversity and utilization value of the semi-natural grassland in the lower section of the Bug River Valley 

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. Both, floristic diversity and utilization value of the semi-natural grasslands located in the lower section of the Bug River Valley spread from the Długie Kamieńskie to Kossaki were analyzed based on the Braun-Blanquet method and using chosen ecological indicators. In the study area occurred 15 phytocoenoses from the 4 phytosociological classes: Phragmitetea, Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, Koelerio glaucae-Corynephoretea canescentis, Epilobietea angustifolii. With the highest frequency (60.6%) appeared patches represented Molinio-Arrhenatheretea class and among them the most common were patches of Alopecuretum pratensis and Arrhenatheretum elatioris. In the same time, these associations presented the most favorable relationship between floristic diversity and the utilization value.

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D. Sienkiewicz-Paderewska,
S. Narewska,
D. Narewski,
T. Olszewski,
J. Paderewski

Ekologiczne i syntaksonomiczne spektra traw występujących w zbiorowiskach trawiastych w Dolinie Dolnego Bugu

Ecological and syntaxonomical spectra of grass species of the grassland communities occurring in the lower section of the Bug River Valley

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The research was conducted in the lower section of the Bug River Valley, where were described 15 plant communities from 4 phytosociological classes. On the basis on this data set, the analysis of both ecological and syntaxonomical spectra of grass species was done. Grasses occurred in every community denoted in the research area. There were found 33 species of Poaceae family. The largest number of them was stated in the floristic composition of the following associations: Arrhenatheretum elatioris, Alopecuretum pratensis, Deschampsietum caespitosae and Lolio-Cynosuretum. The widest ecological spectrum showed Phleum pratense, while the broadest syntaxonomical range presented Deschampsia caespitosa.

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M. Staniak,
I. Kowalska,
K. Czopek,
A. Stępień

Porównanie wzrostu i rozwoju wybranych gatunków i rodów koniczyn (Trifolium sp.) w aspekcie ich rolniczego wykorzystania

Comparison of growth and development of selected species and lines of clovers (Trifolium sp.) in terms of their agricultural use 

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The aim of the research was to compare the growth and development of new lines belonging to 46 species of the Trifolium and their ability to grow and use in Poland. Field experiments were conducted in 2011–2012, at the Vegetation Experiment Station of the Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation – State Research Institute in Pulawy. In the study, 88 lines of 46 species of Trifolium L. were used. Preliminary studies indicate that some lines belonging to T. hybridum, T. pratense and T. repens could be used for feed purposes, while others belonging to T. medium, T. fragiferum and T. repens, could be used to manage of fallow, difficult areas, protection against erosion or other ecological functions, because of good sodding properties. However, further research is needed. 

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