Strona główna Kontakt

Nr 20, 2017


Autor Tytuł artykułu

Pełny tekst

M. Szuleta,
T. Kitczak,
E. Łazar,
A. Kirkiewicz

Charakterystyka florystyczna oraz niektóre właściwości chemiczne gleby i runi łąk położonych na obszarze Natura 2000 w dolinie rzeki Parsęty w miejscowości Sulikowo

Floristic characteristics and some chemical properties of soil and sward of meadows located in the Natura 2000 area in the valley of river Parsęta in Sulikowo 

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The article presents the results of research on 6 objects located on extensive meadows in the valley of the river Parsęta. The soils were characterised by diverse soil moisture and floristic composition. In the conditions of the greatest humidity ((+5–24)–68 cm), communities of Phalaris arundinacea, Alopecurus pratensis, Dactylis glomerata, and Dactylis glomerata with Holcus lanatus were formed, and in the conditions of the lowest humidity (91 cm) were formed the communities of Anthoxanthum odoratum and Holcus lanatus and Arrhenatherum elatius with Holcus lanatus. Low content of macro- and micronutrients in the soil was reflected by the chemical composition of plant samples. The concentration of elements in the analysed samples was lower than that estimated for good fodder. The content of heavy metals in the soil and plants did not exceed the limit values.

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W. Zielewicz,
B. Golińska

Ocena kiełkowania ziarniaków mieszanek traw gazonowych pokrytych siarczanem żelaza w celu zwalczania mchów

Evaluation of germination of seeds of lawn grass mixtures coated with iron sulphate aiming moss control

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. Iron salts are often used in pesticides to moss control in lawns, causing them to quickly blacken and die. In order to check the influence iron sulphate used in the lawn grass mixtures for coating the kernels on their germination a laboratory and greenhouse pot experiments were carried out. Seeds germination was tested on Petri dishes with tissue paper and in conditions of seeds sowing into the soil. The concentration of iron sulphate of the mixture R determined in 1 gram in the amount of 1,5 mg of Fe, did not inhibit the germination and development of seedlings. In the mixture G, the concentration of 31,92 mg of Fe used for the coating of 1 gram of kernels, proved too high, preventing germination on Petri dishes. Sowing the seeds of this mixture to the soil, significantly reduced the effects of the adverse impact of high iron salt on their germination. However, the level of germination of kernels after 20 days was significantly lower, compared to the R mixture, ranging from 73 to 78%.

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