Strona główna W górę Kontakt

Nr 22, 2019

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B. Domagała,
S. Twardy


Rola korytarzy ekologicznych w obszarach wiejskich Polski Południowej

The role of ecological corridors in rural areas of Southern Poland 

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The article presents the premises for creating ecological corridors as well as their natural and social role in rural areas. A network of ecological corridors presented in the article concerns southern Poland. It is created by international, national and local routes. Two environmentally differentiated fragments of corridors were selected for observation purposes; the first one is located in Małe Pieniny and the second one in the central part of the Nida river catchment. Selected fragments are aptly integrated into natural and spatial layout, especially terrain sculpture and hydrographic network. Observations were carried out from early spring to autumn in the years 2014 to 2016. A significant number of migrating animals were observed within both corridors. The animals migrated individually (+), in small groups (++) or herds (+++). Among them, cervids were dominating, especially deer. It was also found, that ecological corridors actually fulfill migration functions, which helps to preserve the diversity of habitats and species, including the protection of rare and endangered species.

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B. Grygierzec,
W. Szewczyk

Zioła w runi łąk Pogórza Wiśnickiego

Herbs in a meadows sward of the Wiśnickie Foothills

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The aim of the study was to assess the occurrence of herbs growing in selected permanent meadows, extensively used in the area of the Wiśnickie Foothills. In the analyzed area 25 species of herbs were determined, which were classified into 20 genera within 11 botanical families. The most numerous were the families Apiaceae and Lamiaceae. Labelled herbs from the study area were grouped into 9 syntaxonomic units. Most herb species were assigned to wet medium-fertile meadows, periodically flooded (Mol-Arr) and fresh and hay meadows (Arrhen). Based on the light index (L), 3 herbal groups were distinguished: those preferring full light, moderate light and partial shade. All marked herbal species were neutral towards continentalism. By grouping herbs against the soil moisture index (W), 3 groups with preferences were distinguished: dry substrate, fresh substrate and moist substrate. Taking into account the trophism index (Tr), two plant groups were distinguished: moderately poor soils and rich soils. In turn, in terms of soil acidity index (R), herbs were divided into 3 groups with optimum development in soils: moderately acidic, neutral and alkaline.  

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H. Lipińska,
I. Woźniak-Kostecka,
M. Sosnowska,
T. Wyłupek,
H. Ćwintal

Wpływ współkomponentu w mieszance oraz poziomu wody gruntowej na dynamikę wzrostu i rozwoju runi Poa pratensis, Phleum pratense i Lolium perenne   

Impact of a co-component in a mixture and groundwater level on the dynamics of sward growth and development of Poa pratensis, Phleum pratense and Lolium perenne  

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The lysimeter experiment was conducted on peat-muck soil. Based on the mean regrowth data, the growth dynamics and propagation intensity of Poa pratensis, Phleum pratense and Lolium perenne were compared in the specific years, with groundwater at the level of 50 cm, 90 cm and varying level, sown in monocultures and mixes (Poa pratensis + Phleum pratense and Poa pratensis + Lolium perenne). The growth and development dynamics of the grasses varied depending on the species and groundwater level. The negative impact of a low groundwater level was observed particularly in objects where the grasses were accompanied by another species. 

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S. Twardy 

Przeobrażenia florystyczne runi łąkowo-pastwiskowej w Małych Pieninach w latach 1956–2016    

Floristic transformations of meadow and pasture swards in Małe Pieniny in years 1956–2016  

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. This publication is a compilation of many works, including own relevant to floristic changes of meadow and pasture sward. The first descriptions come from the mid-1950s and concern plant communities occurring in the upper Grajcarek catchment (right-bank tributary of the Dunajec). At that time, following plant associations were isolated: Hieracio-Nardetum, Gladiolo-Agrostietum, Lolio-Cynosuretum oraz Valeriano-Caricetum flavae. Descriptions were made using the Braun-Blanquet method. It was found that the described associations are marketed by smaller variance of species combinations. However, under the habitat factors changes, they decrease (Hieracio-Nardetum) or increase (Lolio-Cynosuretum) their share within the permanent grasslands. Therefore, it should be considered, that in swards of concerned permanent grasslands beneficial but slow transformations in plant biomass occurred, both quantitative and qualitative. It was also associated with sustainable forming of the entire Upper Grajcarek catchment. 

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I. Woźniak-Kostecka,
H. Lipińska,
M. Sosnowska,
T. Wyłupek

Kierunki zmian w użytkowaniu trwałych użytków zielonych w województwie lubelskim w latach 1990–2018 

Directions of changes in the use of permanent grasslands in the Lubelskie Voivodeship in the years 1990–2018  

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The purpose of the study is to make an inventory and determine directions of spatial changes in the use of permanent grassland (TUZ) in the poviats of the Lubelskie Voivodship in the years 1990–2018. The following work analyses the publicly available Corine Land Cover data regarding land cover at particular time intervals and the Central Statistical Office (GUS). The data obtained was processed by tools and functions of GIS, the Qgis program, which allowed determining the main directions of changes in the use of green areas in the poviats of the Lublin province.

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W. Zielewicz,
B. Wróbel 


Ocena wybranych cech morfologicznych perłówki zwisłej (Melica nutans) i perłówki orzęsionej (Melica ciliata) 

Assessment of selected morphological properties of mountain melick (Melica nutans) and hairy melick (Melica ciliata)    

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The research aimed at an assessment of selected morphological properties of mountain melick (Melica nutans L.) and hairy melick (Melica ciliata L.). Plant material of Melica nutans plants was collected in the Puszcza Zielonka Landscape Park in Wielkopolskie voivodeship from two natural stands: in the vicinity of Bolechowo (12 sites) and in Wojnówko (16 sites). Melica nutans plants came from a grass collection created in the experimental garden of the Department of Grassland and Natural Landscape Sciences at the University of Life Sciences in Poznań. Above-ground parts of grass shoots was collected during summer in their full generative development stage and served as analytical material for morphological studies. Shoot height, inflorescence length, spikelet number in the inflorescence, number of leaves, length and width of leaf blades were determined. Some differences in morphological properties, both between Melica nutans and Melica ciliata as between plants of Melica nutans growing in different stands, were stated.

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