Strona główna Kontakt

Nr 10, 2007


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J. Księżak,
A. Faber

Ocena możliwości pozyskiwania biomasy z mozgi trzcinowatej na cele energetyczne
Evaluation of possibility gain of biomass with red canarygrass on energy

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The research was conducted in 2004-2006 in the Experimental Station in Osiny on a field experiment established with no replications. Bamse (Swedish) variety of red canarygrass was used in this experiment. The harvested area amounted to 400 m2. Two soil suitability complexes: cereal-fodder strong (8) and good rye (5) were the factor of the first level, whereas frequency of the harvest (once or twice) was the factor of the second level. Evaluation of the possibilities of biomass production for energy purposes from red canarygrass cultivated on the two different types of soil was aim of the research.

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W. Martyn,
T. Wyłupek,
A. Czerwiński
Zawartość wybranych makroskładników w glebie i roślinach energetycznych nawożonych osadami ściekowymi
Contents of some macroelements in soil and energy plants fertilized with sewage
  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The experiment was started in 2005 on podsolic soils (IVb soil quality class) that are typical for the area adjacent to the Coal Mine ‘Bogdanka’. The sewage had been taken from ‘Łęczyńska Energetyka’ sewage plant in KWK ‘Bogdanka’ mainly from miners’ sauna and canteen, and used on experimental plots where energy plants were grown: grasses Miscanthus sacchariflorus and Calamagrostis epigejos and Rosa multiflora (for comparison). Contents of Ca, Mg, K, and Na were marked with commonly used methods in soil and biomass of specific plant species. Also, possibility of production of biomass used in the future as energy material was determined. The results of the two year experiment allowed to observe that irrigation of soil with sewage caused tremendous changes in its chemistry. It was also shown that the species revealed different intensity of biogenes absorption. Calamagrostis epigejos retained in its biomass large amounts of potassium, and little amounts of calcium. The basic element absorbed by Miscanthus sacchariflorus was calcium. Rosa multiflora accumulated in its biomass both calcium and potassium.

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A. Suder Szata roślinna łąk wilgotnych (rząd Molinietalia caeruleae W. Koch 1926) we wschodniej części Wyżyny Śląskiej
Vegetation of wet meadows (order Molinietalia caeruleae W. Koch 1926) in the eastern part of Silesia Upland
  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The eastern part of Silesia Upland has very diversified wet meadows vegetation which covers especially large acreages in the area of Garb Tarnogórski. 10 associations, 9 subassociations and 1 community have been distinguished and described there. Man’s impact, secondary succession and anthropogenic disturbances of water conditions shaped the characteristic features of these plant communities.  

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M. Szenejko

Masa i wielkość nasion a zdolność kiełkowania wybranych form Poa pratensis L.
Weight and size of seeds and germination capacity of selected forms of Poa pratensis L.

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The paper presents characteristics of the seed material of selected 25 forms of Poa pratensis L., i.e. of ecotypes, cultivars and strains. Seeds of the examined objects were analysed with regard to the thousand seeds weight (TSW) as well as the length (L) and width (W) of kernels. Initially characterised seeds were then subjected to the assessment of the germination process by determining their germination energy, germination capacity and the MGT index. The obtained results confirmed the opinion that TSW is a stable trait and, in the case of cultivars, it can be used as a “model” for their evaluation. No significant differences were determined in the mean value of the germination capacity of ecotypes, cultivars and strains. However, it was found that heavy and large seeds germinated, on average, by 84,2% better in comparison with light and small seeds. The difference between them reached nearly 40,0% and was confirmed statistically.

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L. Winkler,
M. Trzaskoś,
G. Kamińska,
R. Malinowski

Charakterystyka i rozmieszczenie zbiorowisk roślinnych o potencjalnej wartości energetycznej z siedlisk silnie wilgotnych i mokrych Kostrzyneckiego Rozlewiska
Characteristic and ranges of plant communities of potential energetistic value of moist and wet habitats of the Kostrzyn Broad

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The floristic investigations were carried out, at the Kostrzyn Broad in the Odra river valley in very wet areas and swamps on the alluvial soils. The following communities occurrence on the transects (Stara Rudnica and Siekierki) were described Bulboschoenus maritimus, Carex acuta, Calamagrostis canescens, Glyceria maxima, Phalaris arundinacea, Phalaris arundinacea with Urtica dioica, Phalaris arundinacea with Bidens cernua and Phragmites australis type. The value of these communities depended on the habitat. Sward of this plant communities from the swampy habita, represented low fodder value, but very great and exceptional nature value.

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L. Frey

Karol Linneusz (1707-1778)
Carolus Linnaeus (1707-1778)

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. In May 2007 three hundred years have passed since Carolus Linnaeus was born. He is the father of modern taxonomy and his system for naming, ranking and classifying organisms is still in wide use today, although with many changes. Linnaeus is best known as a botanist, and has been often recognized as the “flower king”. Through his work, Linnaeus has become the most well-known Swedish scientist, both internationally and in Sweden.

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R. Kochanowska,
R. Gamrat

Uprawa miskanta cukrowego (Miscanthus sacchariflorus (Maxim.) Hack.)
– zagrożeniem dla polskich pól i lasów? (doniesienie naukowe)
Cultivation of the amur silvergrass (Miscanthus sacchariflorus (Maxim.) Hack.)
– a threat to Polish fields and forests? (research report)

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. In 1995 Miscanthus sacchariflorus was planted in a garden as an ornamental grass in two permanent experimental plots (the city of Szczecin). In each plot, 6 amur silvergrass specimens were planted. The area was not fertilized and watered. Biometric measurements were conducted from 1998 to 2007. After three years the amur silvergrass formed high, well-stocked aggregations limiting the occurrence of weeds and animals. From the fourth year of the research, the area of its cultivation was limited to 10m2 and in 2001 the second plot was closed down due to the expansion of the amur silvergrass onto the adjacent cultivated garden.

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