Strona główna Kontakt

Nr 21, 2018


Autor Tytuł artykułu

Pełny tekst

T. Wyłupek,
A. Gawryluk,
H. Klikocka,
H. Lipińska,
A. Chwiejczak,
M. Kulik,
K. Gałaszkiewicz

Realizacja programu rolnośrodowiskowego w latach 2007-2013 w powiecie zamojskim  

The implementation of the agri-environmental program in the Zamość district between 2007 and 2013

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The aim of the research was to assess the farmers’ interest in environmental management scheme realized within the frameworks of the Rural Development Program 2007–2013 in the years 2008–2013. The assessment was carried out on the basis of the number of submitted applications and the size of the area where particular packages were realized. The studied area included the communes of the zamojskie district. Basing on the analysis of the data, the study established interest in environmental and agricultural packages among the beneficiaries of the communes of the zamojskie district. It was found out that in the period when the environmental management scheme within the Rural Development Program 2007–2013 was financed in the years 2008–2013 in the zamojskie district, a growing interest was observed among the beneficiaries in participation in the packages offered. The greatest interest among the packages offered in the area of the zamojskie district was found for Package 8. The protection of soils and waters, Package 1. Sustainable agriculture, and Package 3. Extensive permanent grassland. This referred both to first-year and continuation applications.

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W. Zielewicz,
D. Swędrzyńska,
A. Swędrzyński

Wpływ stosowania zróżnicowanych dawek azotu na właściwości morfologiczne kukurydzy uprawianej na kiszonkę

The effect of using different doses of nitrogen on the morphological properties of maize grown for silage 

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. Field trials were conducted in years 2008–2009. The plant research material came from field crops of maize, of a production nature, located in the Agricultural Experimental Farm Brody, belonging to Poznań University of Life Sciences (52°43’ N, 16°30’ E). The two-factor experiment in the system of randomized blocks in three replications formed four fertilization variants: 1/ 120 kg N·ha–1 + PK, 2/ 160 kg N·ha–1 + PK, 3/ 200 kg N·ha–1 + PK and 4/ 120 kg N·ha–1 without fertilization P and K (control). The second factor was the maize varieties: Delitop FAO 240 and Magitop FAO 270. The highest yields of fresh and dry matter in the cultivation of both maize varieties studied were found in the variant fertilization with a dose of 200 kg N·ha–1 + PK. Variety Magitop FAO 270 (stay green type), was characterized by higher yielding and formed cobs with a larger weight compared to the typical grain variety Delitop FAO 240. Application of nitrogen in a dose of 200 kg N·ha–1 + PK, resulted in both maize varieties increased share of stalks and reduction of the share of cobs in the plant structure. The lack of fertilization with phosphorus and potassium in the control variant with the application of only 120 kg N·ha–1 resulted in achieving the lowest yields of fresh and dry matter. Plants of both maize varieties in this fertilization variant were also characterized by the highest share of stems and the lowest share of cobs in the plant mass structure. It was also found that plants growing in the control variant achieved the lowest height compared to the remaining variants and formed the smallest mass of cobs.  

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