Strona główna Kontakt

Nr 18, 2015


Autor Tytuł artykułu

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M. Kulik,
M. Warda,
T. Gruszecki,
M. Tatarczak,
K. Patkowski


Ocena zagrożeń i metod ochrony muraw kserotermicznych z klasy Festuco-Brometea w rezerwacie przyrody Stawska Góra

Assessment of threats and protection methods of xerothermic grasslands of Festuco-Brometea class in Stawska Góra nature reserve

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The study objective is to assess the threats and protection methods of xerothermic grasslands of Festuco-Brometea class and other rare and protected plant species in Stawska Góra nature reserve. The xerothermic grasslands under study are threatened by the lack of grazing, biocenotic evolution and accumulation of dead organic matter, which leads to succession changes in the natural habitat (secondary succession). The cutting of shrubs improved the shrub and tree-understory expansion index but brought only short-term results. The pasturage led to the improvement of parameters such as native expansive species of herbaceous plants, shrub and tree-understory expansion, and dead organic matter, which creates good conditions for the generative reproduction of xerothermic plants such as Carlina onopordifolia.

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H. Lipińska,
W. Harkot,
H. Ćwintal,
W. Wańkowicz,
A. Kępkowicz,
M. Michalak

Zawartość mikotoksyn w sianie wybranych gatunków traw

Mycotoxin content in the hay of selected grass species

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The study objective was to assess mycotoxin content in the hay of Phleum pratense L., Lolium perenne L. and Poa pratensis L. depending on the duration and place of its storage. The study material was obtained from extensive meadows at the Didactic-Research Station in Sosnowica (peat-muck soils). Tests for the presence of mycotoxins in hay were carried out at the Central Agro-Ecological Laboratory of the University of Life Sciences in Lublin, using the CLA/ PLC method. The tests showed that the hay was free of mycotoxins in most of the samples examined. Only some trace amounts of the T-2 toxin and ergovaline were found in the hay of Lolium perenne L. and trace amounts of aflatoxin B1 and aflatoxin G1 in the hay of Poa pratensis L. Hay stored in a barn, even for 22 months, was free of mycotoxins, and hay stored in conditions of exposure to weather factors contained trace amounts of mycotoxins.

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E. Łazar,
M. Smółka,
A. Kirkiewicz

Charakterystyka florystyczna, wartość przyrodnicza i użytkowa śródleśnych użytków zielonych w strefie buforowej Jeziora Uniemino

Floristic characteristic and natural and useful value of forest grassland in the buffer zone of the lake Uniemino

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The paper presents the results of research on 6 objects located in the buffer zone of the lake Uniemino. The soils were characterised by similar moisture and quite varied floristic composition. Communities of Lupinus polyphyllus, Phleum pratense, Holcus lanatus and Arrhenatherum elatius were formed on soils with the highest moisture (5.54–6.26), and communities of Agrostis capillaris, Luzula campestris and Phleum pratense on soils with slightly lower moisture (4.84–5.43). Low content of macro- and micronutrients in the soil was reflected in the chemical composition of plant samples. The concentration of elements in the analysed samples was lower than that estimated for good fodder.

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D. Swędrzyńska,
W. Zielewicz,
A. Swędrzyński,
K. Głuchowska,
A. Wolna-Maruwka

Wpływ polepszaczy glebowych zastosowanych w uprawie Medicago sativa na wybrane właściwości chemiczne i biologiczne gleby

The effect of soil improvers used in the cultivation of Medicago sativa on selected chemical and biological properties of soil

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of selected calcium-based soil improvers applied to field-grown alfalfa (Fraver) on the some chemical and biological properties of soil. The research revealed that the application of the improvers noticeably increased the pH of soil and the content of magnesium. The influence of the soil improvers on the microbial and enzymatic properties of soil was equivocal. However, it can be concluded that this speciments increased the number of total bacteria and oligotrophs and the enzymatic activity of soil.

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S. Twardy

Wpływ gospodarki pasterskiej w Karpatach na skład florystyczny runi pastwiskowej

The influence of pastoral activities in the Carpathian Mountains on floristic composition of pastures

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. Since the 70s of 20th century the IT-P Research Station at Jaworki carried out works aimed at environmentally friendly utilisation of mountain pastures used for grazing large herds of livestock, especially sheep. Tasks were implemented under conditions of strict production research, taking into account various organizational and economical aspects. One of them was progressively restrictive use of expensive mineral fertilizers, and instead a careful spreading of manure on the surface of pastures. Depending on the floristic composition of sward, there was determined sheep population in the pen, where animals spent their nights. The enclosure was systematically transferred. At the same time the stocking density also gradually increased. Yielding changes of pasture sward were expressed as mean of individual, so called, penning rotations, which varied from 6 to 3 grazing seasons. The floristic composition of sward in selected years are presented, taking into account two altitude zones of pastures above sea level and the division into groups of vegetation. The variability of sward quality is rated by means of Utility Value Number (UVN). Basing on years of research it can be concluded that low cost pasture management in mountain areas can be both economically and ecologically proved.

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S. Twardy,
M. Kopacz,
W. Matoga


Zmienność produkcji biomasy na górskich użytkach zielonych w zależności od położenia n.p.m. oraz ekspozycji stoków

Variability of biomass production on mountain grasslands depending on location above sea level and exposure of slopes

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The article comprises results of the research concerning yielding of grazing sward situated at different altitudes above sea level on slope south (S) and slope north (N). The results collected for the growing season (April-October) of 2015 are presented in comparison with data from a long series of measurements. They included basic climatic factors (precipitation and temperature) in monthly and ten-day system as well as yielding of grazing sward in subsequent new growth and as a year-round sum. The measurement works were done along earlier determined measurement profile running in N-S system across Grajcarek valley.

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M. Warda,
M. Kulik,
T. Gruszecki,
A. Lipiec,
R. Zubel

Walory przyrodnicze wybranych muraw psammofilnych w warunkach wypasu owiec w rezerwacie przyrody Kózk

The natural values of selected dry grasslands under sheep grazing in the Kózki Nature Reserve

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The studies of vegetation were carried out in the years 2010–2013. One of the study objectives was to update the assessment of the natural value of psammophilous grasslands 20 years after the establishment of Kózki nature reserve (mazowieckie voivodship). The phytosociological survey results were compared with the archive survey results available in the nature reserve’s documentation. There were noted some significant changes in the species composition of plant communities. The assessment of natural values of psammophilous grasslands confirmed the occurrence a simplified form of the Corynephoro-Silenetum tataricae association – priority habitats for protection, the presence of 6 dry grassland indicator species, one endangered species (Carex praecox) and one plant species (Helichrysum arenarium) under legal protection was determined.

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K. Wolski,
M. Talar-Krasa,
A. Dradrach,
M. Szymura,
M. Biernacik,
S. Świerszcz

Ocena użytkowa murawy piłkarskiej na przykładzie KŚ AZS we Wrocławiu

The assessment of usable features of football pitch turf on the example of KS AZS Wrocław

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The aim of the study was to evaluate the utility as well as visual and functional characteristics of intensively exploited football pitch, with consideration of the impact of used pratotechnics. In the assessment of the football turf fundamental traits according to the COBORU methodology, in the tested multi-year period the best results were obtained during the spring measurements. Overall aspect of turf as well as sodding level was defined as a good to very good. Turf color was natural between light green, and bluish, however the color of turf on the playing field, was not monochromatic. The turfgrass was characterized by a very low susceptibility to diseases. The range of the grasses root system of in different parts of the field remained at a low level. The grass tillering proceeded best during the spring.

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J. Zarzycki,
A. Misztal

Zmiany składu gatunkowego łąki górskiej i cech funkcjonalnych roślin spowodowane różnymi sposobami ekstensywnego użytkowania i nawożenia

Changes in species composition and functional plant traits of mountain grassland caused by different ways of extensive management

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. Maintaining high biodiversity in mountainous areas requires the existence of semi-natural grassland communities. In a seven-year experiment we evaluated the impact of different extensive types of management and abandonment of use on botanical composition of sward and functional traits of plant species. Regular mowing was the main factor differentiating the species composition. Also in terms of functional traits the greatest differences occurred between the harvested and not harvested plots. Uncut plots were characterized by a higher proportion of geophytes and species reproducing vegetatively. Date of mowing or fertilizer application had much smaller effect.

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W. Zielewicz,
D. Swędrzyńska,
A. Swędrzyński

Wpływ zróżnicowanych dawek polepszacza glebowego Soleflor i nawozów mineralnych na skład botaniczny i plonowanie runi trawiasto-bobowatej

The effect of different doses of Soleflor soil improver and mineral fertilizers on botanical composition and yielding of grass-legume sward

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of soil improver Soleflor used in sowing mixture of grass-legumes Country 2006 DSV on botanical composition of the sward, leaf greenness index of white clover and yields. Research on the effects of different doses and frequency of application Soleflor soil conditioner and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers was conducted in 2012–2014 at the Experimental Station of Department of Grassland Natural Landscape Sciences in Brody University of Life Sciences in Poznań. The use of soil conditioner Soleflor increased on the share in the sward of perennial ryegrass and tall fescue. A soil improver influenced on the higher percentage and durability of timothy grass and white clover in the sward. The highest SPAD index values in white clover leaf blades were found after the application along with a standard NPK fertilizer and soil conditioner Soleflor in doses of 400 and 600 kg ha–1.

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