Listy Biometryczne - Biometrical Letters Vol. 33(1996), No. 2, 79-88

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Janusz Gołaszewski

Department of Plant Breeding and Seed Production,
Olsztyn University of Agriculture and Technology
Plac Łódzki 13, 10-724 Olsztyn

The paper presents a method of yield component analysis, developed by Eaton, called two-dimensional partitioning method (TDP). The method combines multiple regres-sion and ANOYA and enables concise tabular presentation and simple interpretation of the distribution of traits in one direction and the sources of variance, according to the ANOYA model, in the second direction. Computational procedurę and conclu-sions from TDP table on the basis of the data from breeding field trial with 10 lines of faba bean cultivated in normal conditions of fertilization have been shown.

yield component analysis, two-dimensional partitioning, regression ana¬lysis, ANOYA, faba bean